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What are the benefits of centralized package transportation?

Merging and mailing multiple items you purchased on behalf of us not only provides professional packaging support, but also saves a lot of international shipping costs compared to mailing them separately.
Taking shipping to Taiwan as an example, the initial weight is 40 yuan/500g, and the additional weight is 19 yuan/500g. Each package incurs a customs declaration fee of 8 yuan.
If you have 3 pieces of goods with weights of 600g, 1150g, and 1700g respectively.
Choosing a regular shipping method requires a total shipping cost of 283.8 yuan. The calculation details are:
Total freight: (40+19+8)+(40+19 * 2+8)+(40+19 * 3+8)) * 1.1=283.8 yuan
Choosing centralized delivery requires a total shipping cost of 178.2 yuan; It can save 105.6 yuan, with a savings margin of 37%. The calculation details are:
Total weight of goods: 600+1150+1700=3450g
Total freight: (40+19 * 6+8) * 1.1=178.2 yuan