Halloween ×
Purchase record
Sales {{itemInfo.sales??'--'}}
Average delivery time {{itemInfo.sales_data?itemInfo.sales_data.delivery_time:'--'}}days
Weight(g) {{itemInfo.sales_data?itemInfo.sales_data.weight:'--'}}
Size(cm3) {{itemInfo.sales_data?itemInfo.sales_data.size:'--'}}
{{itemInfo.seller_info.nick}} Enter shop

{{itemInfo.title}} Product Link refresh

Goods price
Batch quantity
{{item.price | currency}}
{{item.endNum> 0 ? item.num : item.desc}}{{item.endNum> 0 ? '~' + item.endNum : ''}} Piece
CNY{{getGoodsPrice()}}( Batch quantity:≥ {{itemInfo ? itemInfo.min_num : '0'}})
We will process your purchases from 09:00 to 18:00 (UTC+8) after your payment.
Freight to warehouse {{post_fee | currencyFormat}}
{{ spec.name}}
{{ spec.name}}
{{getQuantityOrPrice(spec, 'price') | currency }}
{{getQuantityOrPrice(spec, 'quantity')}}
{{getQuantityOrPrice(spec ,'price',true) | currency }}
{{getQuantityOrPrice(spec, 'quantity',true)}}


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Total price:{{totalmoney | currency}}
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